The Royal Price Maker

The Royal Price Maker Video
The Royal Price Maker Video

The Royal Price Maker Story

A Long Time Ago And Far Away There Lived A King Who Ruled In Benares In Northern India, One Of His Ministers Was Called The Royal Price Maker, And He Was A Very Honest Man, His Job Was To Establish A Fair Price For Everything That The King Wanted To Buy Or Sell.

In Some Cases, The King Did Not Like His Price, So He Did Not Get As Much Profit As He Wanted, He Did Not Want To Pay So Much When He Bought Or Sold For Something. In His Opinion, It Was Not Enough, So He Decided To Change The Royal Price Maker.

One Day He Saw A Handsome Young Person And Thought This Guy Would Be Good For My Pricing Position. So He Fired His Former Honest Royal Price Maker And Appointed This Person As The New Royal Price Maker.

The New Royal Price Maker Thought I Should Make The King Happy Buying At Very Low Prices And Selling At Very High Prices. So He Made The Prices Ludicrous Without Caring About How Much Something Was Worth. This Brought The Greedy King A Lot Of Money And Made Him Very Happy, While Everyone Else Who Dealt With The New Price. Including The King’s Other Ministers And Ordinary People Were Very Unhappy.

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One Day A Horse Dealer With 500 Horses Arrived In Benares. In Order To Sell Stallions, Mares And Cults There, The King Invited A Merchant To The Palace And Urged His Royal Price Maker To Set A Price For All 500 Horses. He Only Thinks About How To Please The King, He Said – “The Whole Herd Of Horses Is Worth One Cup Of Rice.”

So, The King Ordered To Pay One Cup Of Rice To The Horse Merchant, And All The Horses Were Taken To The Royal Stables, Of Course, The Merchant Was Very Upset, But He Could Not Do Anything At The Moment.

He Heard About The Former Price Maker Who Had A Reputation For Being A Very Fair And Honest Man. So, He Approached Him And Told Him What Had Happened, That He Wanted To Hear His Opinion In Order To Get A Proper Price From The King Former Price Maker Said – “If You Do What I Say, King Will Be Convinced Of The True Value Of The Horses.”

Go Back To The Price Tag And Satisfy Him With A Valuable Gift, Ask Him To Name The Cost Of One Cup Of Rice In The Presence Of The King, If He Agrees, Comes And Tells Me That, I Will Go With You To The King. Following This Advice, The Merchant Went To The New Royal Price Maker And Gave Him A Valuable Gift.

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The Gift Made Him Very Happily, Then The Merchant Told Him – “I Am Very Pleased With Your Previous Assessment, Could You Convince The King Of The Value Of One Cup Of Rice?”

The Stupid Price Maker Said – “Why Not, I Will Explain The Cost Of One Cup Of Rice Even In The Presence Of The King.” So, The New Royal Price Maker Decided That The Horse Merchant Was Happy With His Cup Of Rice, He Arranged Another Meeting With King When The Merchant Was Leaving For His Country, About Which The Merchant Informed The Old Price Maker And They Went Together To See The King.

All The Royal Ministers And His Entire Court Were In The Royal Ale Of Meetings. The Horse Merchant Told The King – “My Lord, I Understand That In This Country Of Yours, My Whole Herd Of 500 Horses Is Worth One Cup Of Rice ! Before I Go Home, I Want To Know How Much One Cup Of Rice Costs In Your Country.”

The King Turned To His Loyal Price Maker And Said How Much One Cup Of Rice Costs ?

Previously Estimated A Herd Of Horses In One Cup Of Rice, And Now, Having Received A Bribe From A Horse Merchant, He Wanted To Please Him, So He Answered The King In The Most Dignified Manner. Your Worship – “One Bowl Of Rice Is Worth The City Of Benares, Including Even Your Own Harem, As Well As All The Suburbs Of The City, In Other Words, It Is Worth The Entire Kingdom Of The Benares.”

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Upon Hearing This, The Royal Ministers And Sages In The Assembly Hall Began To Laugh, Clapping Their Hands On Their Sides. When They Calmed Down A Little. They Said That – Before We Heard That The Kingdom Was Priceless, Now We Hear That All The Benares With Its Palaces And Mansions Are Only Worth A Cup Of Rice.

The Decision Of The Royal Price Maker Is So Strange Where Your Highness Found Success. He Is Only Good To Please A King Like You, And Not Because He Set A Fair Price For A Merchant Who Sells His Horses From Country To Country.

Hearing The Laughter Of His Entire Court And The Words Of His Ministers And Advisers, The King Was Ashamed. So, He Returned His Former Price Maker In His Official Position, He Agreed To A New Fair Price For A Herd Of Horses, Set By The Honest Price Maker, Having Learned A Lesson, The King And His Kingdom Lived Fairly And Prospered.

The Royal Price Maker Story Moral

In Life, If You Walk Around Trying To Please Everyone, In The End, You Will Not Please Anyone, Especially Yourself, But The Same Can Be Said About How You Treat People, You Must Treat People The Same And You Must Be The Same Person In Front Of Everyone, Otherwise You Will Not Be Real And Confuse All Your Things, So Just Relax And Be Yourself And Don’t Be Ashamed To Be Yourself And Tell The Truth.