The Magic Window

Contents Of The Story

The Magic Window Story

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who became very ill, he had to spend the whole day in bed, he could not move. Since other children were not allowed to approach him, he suffered greatly and felt sad and despondent for days on end.

There was little he could do but look out the window. As time passed, his sense of desperation only grew. Until one day he saw a strange figure in the window. It was a penguin eating a sausage sandwich.

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The penguin squeezed through the open window, said to the boy “good, good afternoon”, turned around, and left again. Of course, the boy was very surprised. He was still trying to figure out what had happened when outside the window he saw a monkey in a diaper, busy inflating a balloon.

At first, the boy asked himself what it could be, but after a while, as more and more crazy characters appeared from the window, he burst out laughing and found it hard to stop. A pig playing a tambourine, an elephant jumping on a trampoline, or a dog wearing glasses and talking about nothing but politics will never help.

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The little boy didn’t tell anyone about it, because who would have believed him? However, these strange characters eventually brought joy back to his heart and to his body. Soon his health improved so much that he was able to return to school again.

There he had to talk to his friends and tell them about all the strange things he saw. While he was talking to his best friend, he saw something sticking out of his friend’s school bag. The boy asked his friend what it was, and he was so insistent that finally, his friend had to show him what was in the bag.

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There, inside, were all the fancy dresses and disguises that his best friend had. Using to try and cheer up the little boy!, and from that day on, the little boy has always done his best to make sure no one feels sad and lonely.