Gaston And The Many Fools

Gaston And The Many Fools Story For Kids, Gaston And The Many Fools Story For Kids In English.

Gaston And The Many Fools Story

Once upon a time there was a young man named Gaston who wanted to get married. He asked Charlotte to be his wife. She said, “Yes, of course, I will marry you.” Both of their parents arranged a wonderful wedding for them. Charlotte’s family owned a large estate. “We will have the wedding here,” her mother said. “Yes!” Charlotte and Gaston accepted. “Let’s have the wedding here on the lawn. All their friends and family members gathered for the big day. After the wedding, everyone ate, drank and danced late into the evening. “Oh no!” said Gaston. “What is the problem?” asked his wife. “We’re out of root beer.” “That’s no problem. I’ll just go into the basement and get some more,” she said. She carried the bottles down to the steps and placed two under the taps of two large barrels of root beers.

Waiting for them to fill up, she started thinking about the future. ““Maybe one day I’ll have a son,” she thought. “I’ll name him after my father. , Harold.” She smiled thinking of a son named Harold, then she began to cry. “What if I had a son named Harold and he had to die! I would always be sad! While the tears Charlotte’s cheeks were dripping down her wedding dress, the bottles of root beer were filling to bursting. Root beer spilled onto the basement floor. Meanwhile, Charlotte’s mother went down to the basement to know what was taking so long. Seeing her daughter in tears, she rushed to her side, ignoring the root beer that was creating a hell of a puddle. “What’s up my daughter? ” she asked. “Ah, Mom! Charlotte exclaimed, “What was I to have a son named Harold and he died?” I will always be sad. Her mother thought about it and she too started crying. Both women cried and the root beer continued to spill onto the floor.

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Now Charlotte’s father was worried. “What’s holding them back?” he wondered and went down the stairs to see. “Oh my!” he said splashing the root beer. “Why are you two crying?” Charlotte’s mother told her father what they had thought. He was touched by Charlotte’s idea of ​​naming her son after him. But then, thinking of the death of little Harold, big Harold began to cry too. All three were so upset that they never bothered to turn off the taps on the root beer kegs. As none of them returned from the cellar, Gaston excused himself from the party and went looking for them. He waded through root beer and turned off every tap before asking his new wife and in-laws why they were crying. After his stepfather told him, Gaston just shook his head and called them all crazy.”You spent your time worrying about something that might never happen and wasted all that good root beer. I can’t stay in the presence of such fools,” cried Gaston. your time worrying about something that might never happen and wasted all that good root beer.

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I can’t stay in the presence of such imbeciles, exclaimed Gaston. With that, he left, promising to come back only if he found three fools bigger than the three. For months he traveled, never once finding a bigger fool than his own wife. It made him sad because he loved her. Finally, one day he noticed a woman trying to fill a bucket in a stream. The woman was crying because every time she took the bucket out of the stream, the water ran out the bottom. Realizing what his problem was, Gaston looked for a bucket that had no holes in the bottom. “Here!” he said handing her the bucket, “Try this one!” The woman was overjoyed when she filled the bucket in one try. “Oh thank you!” she cried. “I could never have filled my bucket without you!” “Okay, I’ve found a bigger fool than my wife,” thought Gaston. He continued on the road. Before long, he saw a strange sight. A boy was holding pants under a tree.

His father, wearing only a shirt and briefs, was jumping off a large branch trying to land with each leg in his pants. “Ugh,” his father said. “I can’t do it, I just can’t put my pants on!” Shaking his head, Gaston approached the man and said, “Here, let me help you. Just lean against the tree and raise your left leg. The man did as he was told and Gaston pulled up the trouser leg. “Now do the same with your right leg!” “How can I thank you?” said the man, buttoning his pants. “It’s not a problem,” Gaston said as he walked away. “Two fools bigger than my wife and her parents. I wonder if I will find another! As he entered the city, he heard a great noise. There was a wedding about to take place, but there was a problem.

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The bride arrived in the center of the city on horseback but she was too tall to pass under the bridge. “What are we going to do?” shouted the groom. “We can’t cut off his head and the horse won’t be worth anything without his legs.” Gaston walked over to the bride, raised his hand and pushed his head towards the horse’s neck. They passed easily under the bridge. The problem was solved and Gaston, knowing that there really were more fools in the world, went home to be with his wife. Gaston and Charlotte lived happily ever after. They had two daughters and a son they have Harold, of course. and you know what? Harold is not dead after all. And to this day he still lives with his father and mother who, by the way, no longer care about the future.