Three Butterflies

Contents Of The Story

Three Butterflies Story For Kids, Three Butterflies Story For Kids In English. Three Butterflies Story For Kids In Hindi.

Three Butterflies Story

Once upon a time there was a beautiful garden. In this beautiful garden lived three beautiful butterflies in the garden. One was red, another yellow and the third white. Every day the three danced and played together in the garden and they were very happy. One day they were playing in the garden again when suddenly it started to rain. They flew to a red flower and said to the red flower: “Red flower, we are caught in the rain. Our wings are red and we are so cold. So would you please let us stay under your petals?

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The red flower says to the red butterfly: “You have the same color as me.” So you can come in and you two can’t! The butterflies said together: “We are good friends and we will never part. We meet and we go together! It’s raining harder. They flew towards the yellow flower. The yellow flower says to the yellow butterfly: “You have the same color as me. So you can come, and you two can’t! The butterflies said together: “We are good friends and we will never part. We meet and we go together! At the white flower again the same thing happened And again the butterflies said together, “We are good friends and we will never part.”

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We meet and we go together! The three butterflies were flying in the rain. They might find a place to shelter from the rain. But none of them would want to leave their friends. Then the sun saw them from the clouds. After seeing them, he chased the clouds away and immediately the rain stopped. It was sunny again. The butterfly’s three wings became dry in the sun. They were happy and started playing happily again.

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