The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle

The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle Story For Kids, The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle Story For Kids In English.

The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle Story

It was a sunny day. Petunia, the wish-granting fairy, was making her rounds. She flew north, she flew south, she flew east and on Friday she flew west. One Friday, as she was flying through the sky, she heard a mumble and looked down. Below her, she saw a large bottle of vinegar. There was an old woman grumbling and complaining inside the bottle. “I’m here! Stuck inside the vinegar bottle. What a shame when I deserve to be in the quaint cottage in the woods, breathing in the scent of honeysuckle and listening to the songbirds and crickets chirping” Maura said. Petunia stopped and rubbed her chin. “Well, if that’s what she really wants,” she said, coming down and looking at the old woman. “Do as I say and your Wish will be granted. Stand by your bed tonight and turn, turn, turn, then go to sleep.

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In the morning, open your eyes and I’m sure you’ll be happy. A little skeptical, Maura did as Petunia asked. She tossed and turned three times before falling into a deep sleep. When she woke up, she was shocked to find she was living in a quaint cottage in the woods. The following Friday, Petunia checked on Maura. Instead of a thank you, she was surprised by what she heard. “I’m here! Stuck inside this quaint cottage in the woods where honeysuckle makes me sneeze, songbirds won’t stop their incessant chirping and crickets keep me awake at night,” the old woman said. “I should be in a brownstone along a block where the flowers and the birds and the crickets won’t bother me,” she grumbled. Petunia, always wanting to make people happy, said, “Do as I say and your wish will be granted. Stand by your bed tonight and turn, turn, turn, then go to sleep. In the morning, open your eyes and I’m sure you’ll be happy.

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Trusting the fairy this time, Maura rolled over confidently, then fell into a deep sleep. In the morning, she opened her eyes and discovered that she was living in a brownstone, as she wished. The following Friday, Petunia checked on Maura. Instead of a thank you, she was surprised by what she heard. “I’m here! Stuck inside this brown stone where nothing is green and the honking of horns almost drives me crazy,” the old woman said. “I should be in a hilltop mansion where the servants cook and clean for me,” she grumbled. Petunia, always wanting to make people happy, said, “Do as I say and your wish will be granted. turn, turn, turn, then go to sleep. In the morning, open your eyes and I’m sure you’ll be happy.

Rushing to bed early that night, Maura tossed and tossed and tossed and fell into a deep sleep. In the morning, she opened her eyes to find that she was living in a mansion. The following Friday, Petunia checked on Maura. Instead of a thank you, she was surprised by what she heard. “I’m here! Stuck in this mansion doing nothing. The servants do everything for me,” the old woman said. “I should be in a palace ruling the entire universe. Then I would have a lot to do,” she grumbled. Petunia, always wanting to make people happy, thought to herself, “I’ll try, There’s no way to please that sour old woman. What am I to do? “Do as I say and your wish will be granted.

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Stand by your bed tonight and turn, turn, turn, then go to sleep. morning, open your eyes. The ungrateful woman chased her away, then did her Friday routine. She tossed, tossed, turned and fell asleep. In the morning, she opened her eyes and gasped! “Yes!” said Petunia, hovering over her head even though it was a Saturday. “You’re back where you belong.” Then she flew away, leaving the old woman behind. inside the vinegar bottle for a lifetime of vinegar on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and every day. Some people are never happy, are they? They always wish for something hose better, but when they get it, they are always unhappy. It’s not what’s outside your heart that makes you happy, it’s what’s inside.