Treasure In The Vineyard

Contents Of The Story

Treasure In The Vineyard Story For Kids, Treasure In The Vineyard Story For Kids In English. Treasure In The Vineyard Story For Kids In Hindi.

Treasure In The Vineyard Story

There was once a winemaker with a vast vineyard. This winemaker had two lazy sons. “Boys, come help! Then you can learn how to take care of the grapes! “Awe dad, you’re better at it, so you do. We go out to hang out with our friends. Although the dad was eager to teach the boys, they were never interested in learning. A day, the farmer fell seriously ill, so he called on his sons to leave his last words, “I’ve hidden a treasure in our vineyard for you two.

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When I’m gone, be sure to look for it together! After his death, the two sons went in search of the treasure, but it was not easy to find the treasure which was buried in the vine. “How the hell are we going to find the treasure here? they thought. They continued to digging day and night. However, there was still no treasure. Time passed, and autumn came. “Wow! Come here and look at these plump grapes. Have you ever seen grapes this big and juicy before? one of them asked. “No never! They are as sweet as honey,” replied another.

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Both sons jumped in excitement and exclaimed, “That’s the treasure father was talking about!” You’re right! He was trying to show us how to enjoy the fruits of our hard work,” the older brother said. From that day on, the brothers understood the rewards of hard work and they continued to work hard every day. Their father was watching them from heaven and he was happy to finally see his sons working together with great enthusiasm.

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