Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home Story

Spotty was a dog who lived in a small town with his own kind. His days passed pleasantly as he foraged with others and napped in the shade when the afternoon sun was in full swing. He played a lot and enjoyed it with his friends. One day a famine struck the city.

There was no food, and Spotty was starving. He soon became very weak. He thought to himself, “This city has nothing to offer now—no food, no entertainment. I will go to the city. I’m sure I’ll find food and frolic to my heart’s content.”

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So the next day at dawn, Spotty set out for the city. Once in the city, he was really lucky. He found a house with a place in the backyard where all the waste was dumped. Spotty ate delicious leftovers every day and gained weight in a few days.

One day, the owner’s pet dogs roamed freely in the backyard. As soon as they found Spotty, they attacked him. They dug their sharp teeth into Spotty’s soft, hard flesh. With deep wounds and torn flesh, Spotted ran for his life. Spotty did not stop running until he returned to his hometown.

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Immediately his old friends greeted him, and the dogs asked him, “Dear friend, what was it like in the city? Did you have a good time? After all, your health shows that there is no shortage of food there, but how have you harmed yourself?

In response, Spotty said: “Oh yes, friends, city life has its advantages, but there is no place like home, even if there is no food here, at least I am loved and welcomed among my own brothers. Having said this, he began to tell his story to his friends.

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Home Sweet Home Moral

The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.