
Happiness Story

A Long Time Ago A Man Moved To A New Village And He Wondered If He Would Like It There, So He Went To A Zen Master And Asked How You Think, Do You Think I Would Like This Village, Lovely People, Asked The Master.

In The Answer Is, How Were The People In The City Where You Came From, They Were Vile And Greedy, They Were Angry And Lived By Deceit And Theft.

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The Newcomer Said, This Is Exactly The Type Of People That We Have In This Village, The Owner Visited The Village And Asked The Same Question That The Master Asked: How The People In The City Where You Came From Were Nice And Lived In Harmony.

They Cared About Each Other And About The Earth, They Respected Each Other And Were Spirit Seekers, He Answered Well That These Were Exactly The Same People Who Are In This Village, – Said The Owner.

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Happiness Story Moral

In Life Everything That You See In The World, The World Will See In You, See Hope, See Good, See Love, And The World Will See The Same In You, But If You Only See The Vile And Greedy Part Of People, This Is What They Are Will See In You.

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So, Be Kind To The World, And The World Will Be Good If You Give The World Love And The World Will Give You Love.