The Eagle And The Fox

Contents Of The Story

The Eagle And The Fox Story

The eagle and the fox were once very close friends. “Let’s live next to each other.” They decided. Sc, The eagle built a nest in a tree, and the fox lived in the bushes nearby.

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One day the fox went hunting. The eagle had nothing to feed her eaglets.

“I will get one fox,” she thought and fed it to her cubs. When Lisa returned, she was heartbroken. “You deceived me,” she said in anger and sadness.

Soon God punished the eagle. One day, the eagle picked up a piece of goat meat that the villagers sacrificed for their eaglets.

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She did not know that she was carrying burning ashes with her. Ash set fire to the nest. The poor little eaglets suffered.

While the eagle was crying, the fox said, “God has punished you for breaking your friend’s trust.”