The Foolish Lion

The Foolish Lion Story

A Lion Lived In The Forest. He Grew Old And Could No Longer Run Fast. As The Days Passed, It Became More And More Difficult For Him To Hunt.

One Day, While Wandering Through The Forest In Search Of Food, He Stumbled Upon A Cave. He Looked Inside And Smelled The Air In The Cave.

There Must Be Some Animal Left, He Told Himself. He Crept Inside The Cave And Found It Empty. I’ll Hide Inside And Wait For The Animal To Return, He Thought.

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The Cave Was The Home Of A Jackal. Every Day The Jackal Went Out In Search Of Food, And In The Evening He Returned To The Cave To Rest. That Evening The Jackal Went Home After Eating.

But As He Got Closer, He Sensed That Something Was Wrong. It’s Very Quiet Around. Something Is Wrong, The Jackal Told Himself. “Why Are All Birds And Insects So Silent?”

Very Slowly And Carefully, He Walked Towards His Cave. He Looked Around For Any Sign Of Danger. When He Approached The Entrance To The Cave, All His Instincts Warned Him Of The Danger.

I Have To Make Sure Everything Is All Right, The Jackal Thought. Suddenly He Came Up With A Plan.

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The Clever Jackal Called Out To The Cave. “Hello, My Good Cave, What Happened To You Today? Why Are You So Quiet? “

The Jackal’s Voice Echoed In The Depths Of The Cave. The Lion, Who By This Time Could No Longer Contain His Hunger, Thought To Himself: “I Think This Is Because I Am Here In The Cave Of Silence. Before The Jackal Realizes That Something Is Wrong, I Must Do Something. “

The Jackal Continued To Shout, “Have You Forgotten Our Cave Of Agreements? You Should Greet Me When I Get Home. “The Lion Tried To Make His Voice Deaf And Shouted From Inside The Cave: ‘Welcome Home, My Friend.’

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The Birds Chirped Loudly And Flew Away When They Heard The Roar Of A Lion. As For The Jackal, He Was Shaking With Fear. Before The Hungry Lion Could Pounce On Him And Eat Him, The Jackal Ran To Save His Dear Life, As Fast As His Legs Could Carry Him.

The Lion Waited A Long Time For The Jackal To Enter The Cave. But When The Jackal Did Not Enter, The Lion Realized That He Had Been Deceived. He Cursed Himself For His Stupidity, Because Of Which He Lost His Prey.

The Foolish Lion And The Clever Rabbit Short Story In English PDF

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