The Lion And The Frog

The Lion And The Frog Story For Kids, The Lion And The Frog Story For Kids In English. The Lion And The Frog Story For Kids In Hindi.

The Lion And The Frog Story

Once upon a time there was a lion who lived in the jungle. He was the king of the jungle. He had a loud, powerful voice and he roared to amuse himself and scare others. All the other animals were afraid of him. He was well aware of every corner of the jungle and every animal and sound that was there. The lion was very thirsty, so he went to the pond. The pond was in the middle of the forest. He used to come to this pond every day to drink water.

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After that, he would take a nap under the treehouse for a while. It was his daily life. One day the lion came to drink some water and decided to sit down for a while because he was very tired. As he slept soundly, a noise was heard that he had never heard before. He was disturbed by this voice and he woke up from his sleep. He opened his eyes but he couldn’t see anyone. The same voice came again, and again, and again.

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The lion was shaking with fear! The noise came continuously from the pond. After a while a frog crawled out of the pond and croaked. The lion learned that the frog had made a noise. He roared at the frog and the frog got scared. The lion angrily jumped on the frog and tore it to pieces with its claws. The pitiful frog no longer croaked!

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The Lion And The Frog Story Moral

It’s Ok To Fear Anything Without Having Full Knowledge Of It Or To Play With Your Leaders.