The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats

The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats Short Story, The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats Short Story In English.

The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats Story

Once upon a time, there was a mother goat and her seven kids. They had a happy little house. All seven small children were playing in the meadow. Into the wild, with butterflies and birds singing during their days, accustomed to walking in complete harmony and bliss. Until one day a big black wolf noticed these little children playing in the meadow.

He waited for the mother goat to leave her kids alone, patiently hiding in the bushes. The mother goat had to go to the market to buy cookies and bread for her children. She told her children not to forget about that big bad wolf. She also told them that the unfortunate wolf could be recognized by its hoarse voice and black paws.

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The goat-mother went to the market, and the children were doubly sure of the locks on the door. After making sure they were safe in their little house, they went to play when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Hearing the voice, the younger rushed to the door. In the blink of an eye, the elder ran to catch his younger brother.

And then, looking at the door, the older child shouted back, “Come back, big bad wolf!” Hearing this, Wolf got angry and ran for a box of chalk, as he heard that it would make his voice softer, so he swallowed the whole box of chalk. He returned and knocked on the door. But one of the children saw the black paws of the wolf and shouted: “Come back, bad wolf, our mother has beautiful white paws.” Hearing this, the wolf ran to the miller and jumped into the mountain of white dough.

He was all white from head to toe. Running back to the house, he knocked again and said, “Open the door! Your mother is back.” Hearing a soft voice and white feet, they all decided to open the door. Not knowing what danger awaits them, all the children ran to the door and opened it. The Big Bad Wolf shook off the white powder. Children ran back and forth to save their lives. One went to the kettle, the other to the oven.

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One was looking for a place under the bed, and the other tried to escape by hiding in a pot. The younger one was so small that he managed to hide under the watch case. The wolf ruthlessly began to pull them out of their hiding places. One by one, he swallowed them all, except for the youngest, who was hiding in the watch case.

With a full tummy, he burped and left the house. When Mother returned, she was shocked to see the open door. The house was all upside down. At that very moment, the youngest came out, hugged her mother, and told everything. They went to look for the wolf. His stomach was so full that he fell asleep in the meadow near the house. The goat quietly approached him, and took scissors, a needle, and thread. She opened his belly and took all her children from his belly. They then proceeded to fill his belly with stones and sew up his belly with thread and a needle.

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The Wolf had such a big feast after so many years and slept through the night. In the morning, when he got up, he was so thirsty that he tried to run to the well, but his stomach was so heavy that he could hardly walk. He raised his belly and managed to get to the well, but the moment he bent down to drink water, he could not bear the weight and fell into the well. Mom-Goat and the kids looked at all this from the window and felt very happy. And they lived happily ever after.

The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats Story Moral

If you treat others badly, bad things will happen to you.