Dumbo The Flying Elephant

Dumbo The Flying Elephant Story For Kids, Dumbo The Flying Elephant Story For Kids In English. Dumbo The Flying Elephant Story For Kids In Hindi.

Dumbo The Flying Elephant Story

It was morning at the circus. Hopeful mothers looked up as storks flew overhead. Each carrying a bundle holding a baby animal. Ms Jumbo sighed as she watched the happy mothers with their babies. “Oh my dear, I hope so much there would be a package for me!” She thought. Finally, a stork flew into Mrs. Jumbo’s wagon with a large package – it was a baby elephant. Mrs. Jumbo’s elephant sneezed and flapped two huge ears. Mrs. Jumbo wanted to call him Jumbo Junior. The other elephants started laughing.

“Dumbo!” One of them said. But Mrs. Jumbo didn’t care what the other elephants thought. She loved her baby, her big ears and everything. The next day, a group of boys walked past the circus tent. They made fun of Dumbo and teased him. “Look at his ears!” One of them cried. Mrs. Jumbo tried to protect her baby. She took the boy from Dumbo. “Help! Help!” He cried. The circus guards raced. Soon Mrs. Jumbo was locked in the prison wagon. From then on, the other elephants ignored poor Dumbo. They even turned their backs on him. Dumbo felt lonely and heartbroken until Timothy Mouse found him. He loved Dumbo. Finally, Dumbo had a friend! Timothy wanted to help his new friend. “All we have to do is build you an act,” Mouse explained.

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“Make yourself a star!” Just then, they heard the Ringmaster speak. “Do I have an idea? He exclaimed. “An enormous pyramid of pachyderms.” He wanted Dumbo to be the highest elephant in the pyramid. The star! Finally, the big moment has come. But when Dumbo ran onto the springboard, he tripped over his flapping ears! It crashed into the elephants, knocking them over in all directions. Now the elephants were angrier than ever with Dumbo. But the Ringmaster had another idea. The next day, Dumbo was placed in the Clown. Being a clown made Dumbo sad. The other clowns teased him and Dumbo felt more alone than ever. “We’ll go see your mother,” Timothy said to cheer Dumbo up. Dumbo and his mother were delighted to see each other. Ms Jumbo pushed her trunk through the bars of her cage and cuddled her son while singing a lullaby.

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But too soon, it was time for Dumbo to leave. That night, Dumbo dreamed he was a star flying through the air! The next thing Dumbo and Timothy knew was morning. When they opened their eyes, they saw a group of crows watching them. They were up in a tree! Timothy and Dumbo wondered how they got there. ““Maybe you stole!” One of the crows joked. “Yes that’s it!” cried Timothy. “Dumbo, you stole!” Your ears – They’re perfect wings!” The little elephant was surprised. He couldn’t really fly, could he? Timothy told Dumbo to believe in himself. One of the crows gave to Timothy an ordinary feather and whispered, “Use the magic feather!” Holding the feather in his trunk, Dumbo flew off the edge of a cliff – he was flying!

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That night at the circus, Dumbo stood atop of a building. He didn’t feel scared. Now that he had the magic feather, he knew he could fly safely. “Okay,” he said. “Take off!” the moment the little elephant jumped into the air, he dropped the feather and Dumbo started falling. “Open those ears!” Timothy cried. “You can fly! You can!” Dumbo took a deep breath and started flapping his ears as fast as he could. Suddenly, Dumbo was flying. He didn’t need that feather at all! The Ringmaster was amazed! He looked Dumbo diving from the building and flying over the cheering crowds. Dumbo was a star! Before long, Dumbo was world famous, just as Timothy had announced! Crowds flocked to the circus to see “Dumbo, the amazing flying elephant”. The Ringmaster freed Dumbo’s mother and gave him his own special train car. And Dumbo and his mother were very happy.