Clever Gretel

Contents Of The Story

Clever Gretel Story For Kids, Clever Gretel Story For Kids In English. Clever Gretel Story For Kids In Hindi.

Clever Gretel Story

Once upon a time there was a smart cook named Gretel. One day, Gretel’s master came to the kitchen to let Gretel know that a few of her friends were coming over for dinner that night. He handed her four chickens he had bought and asked her to cook them for dinner. Gretel prepared the chickens and started roasting them. She loved to cook and everyone in the house loved the meals she cooked, but that day Gretel was nervous to cook for the master’s friends as she wanted the food to be perfect. When the delicious smell of roast chicken hit Gretel’s nose, she thought she should try just one of the wings to make sure it was cooked through.

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Gretel tasted the wing but couldn’t decide if it was ready, so she ate the other wing as well. “They need more time,” she thought. But a few minutes later, fearing the chickens would get burned, she decided to try two more wings. Then she couldn’t stop and she ate wing after wing until all eight wings were gone. “No worries! No one will notice the missing chicken wings,” she calmed herself. She couldn’t resist trying one more. One by one, Gretel ate the eight chicken thighs. She didn’t worry much about the missing legs but she hoped none of her master’s friends would find out.

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Gretel ate the took the chickens out of the oven when they were ready, and the smell of the roast meat was so tempting that she decided to eat one of the chickens and leave three for all the others, which was still enough. She ate the chicken but one wasn’t enough and Gretel started eating the second one. Soon after, all four chickens were gone. Now Gretel was terrified. “Oh my God, what the hell I did ? Dinner should be served in an hour and I ate it all, Gretel shivered. At that moment, Gretel heard a knock on the kitchen door. She opened it and saw a stranger inside who asked Gretel the way to the next village.

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Gretel, who was very smart, said to the man, “Listen, it’s this way to the next village, but make sure you run as fast as you can because my cruel master likes to cut off the ears of strangers.” Hearing this, the man ran as fast as he could down the road. Gretel ran to her master and told him that a stranger came to the kitchen and stole the chickens she had prepared for dinner and fled with them to the nearby village. Gretel’s master gave chase to the stranger and shouted, “Just give me one!” The stranger thought he meant he wanted to give one of his ears so ran away even faster in fear.