A Foolish Tortoise

A Foolish Tortoise Story For Kids, A Foolish Tortoise Story For Kids In English. A Foolish Tortoise Story For Kids In Hindi.

A Foolish Tortoise Story

Once upon a time there was a turtle that lived in an aquarium. He had his friendship with two swans. All three lived together until evening every day. They told and heard stories and had fun. At sunset, they left for their homes. Many years have passed like this. Once, there was a drought in this area due to the lack of rainfall. Rivers and reservoirs dried up. Men and beasts began to die of thirst. Many birds flew to other places in search of water. The two swans also planned to go to such a place where there was no shortage of water. Before leaving, the two swans came to see their friend the turtle to say goodbye. They said, “Friend! This tank is now transformed into a muddy place only. How are you going to live here? Hearing this, the turtle said in a very desperate tone, “Friends! Without water, I will not stay alive. Therefore, you should also take me with you.

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The swan said: “Friend! We don’t want to leave you here either, but we can’t come up with a plan. We’ll fly to another tank, but how will you accompany us? To this, the turtle said, “It’s true that I can’t fly, but I can tell you one thing if you really want to save me.” Do as I say!” The swans asked, “Tell us what we can do for you.” The turtle said to the swans, “It’s a very simple method. You bring a light strip of wood and hold its ends with your beak. I will hang, holding the strip in the middle. This way you can take me to the other chariot. The swans liked this proposal and they brought a light piece of wood. Before s fly away, the swans warned the turtle: “Buddy, we are ready to take you with us but you will have to be quiet on the way. Otherwise, you will fall with the band and your bones and ribs will be crushed. The turtle has said, “I will be silent all the way. I won’t even utter a single word.

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After that, the two swans firmly gripped the strip with their beaks at each end. The turtle was also hanging in the middle, holding the strip with his teeth. The swans soared high in the sky. Flying, the swans and the tortoise crossed fields, d rickyards, plains and mountains. They had not yet found a deep reservoir. Unfortunately, they flew over a city that fell in their path. To see them, a crowd of townspeople gathered. It was a strange scene for them. They felt surprised and said, “Look! See! God knows what kind of round thing those swans are flying through the sky with. When the children saw them, they laughed and screamed. When the turtle heard this noise, she couldn’t help talking. “What kind of noise is that?” The moment he opened his mouth to say those words, he lost his grip and immediately fell to the ground. The townspeople tore him to pieces.

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A Foolish Tortoise Story Moral

Those Who Don’t Act On The Advice Of Their Wishes Always Meet A Miserable End.