The Gnat And The Bee

The Gnat And The Bee Story

One cold morning, a mosquito was flying everywhere in search of food. The mosquito sang and danced in the field all spring. He did not collect food for the cold winter season.

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Komaru was cold and hungry. flying, he came to the hive. He met the queen bee and said to her: “Oh good bee, I have not eaten anything, since the morning I have not even had a warm place to rest. Please be so kind as to give me some honey and a place to rest.”

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The bee politely refused to help the mosquito.

The mosquito spoke again: “I will teach your children music in exchange for food and shelter. Please have pity on me and help me.” The bee politely said to Gnat, “I am sorry about your sad state, Gnat, but I prefer to teach my children to collect honey.

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You would teach them music, but it won’t fill their stomachs. I don’t want my children to suffer as you do in cold winter weather.”

The mosquito was ashamed of his carelessness and flew away from the hive.

The Gnat And The Bee Story Moral

It is important to be useful, not just skillful.