The Old Man And His Sons

The Old Man And His Sons Story For Kids, The Old Man And His Sons Story For Kids In English. The Old Man And His Sons Story For Kids In Hindi.

The Old Man And His Sons Story

Once upon a time there was a man who had many sons. However, the sons were still fighting with each other. As the man grew older and weaker, he worried that if his sons continued to fight each other, they would ruin each other. He begged them to live happily together in peace but no one listened to him and continued to behave the same way. One day the old man gathered all his sons and handed them a big pile of sticks tied together.

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He said to them, “I want each of you to take this fagot and break it. The threads one by one took the bundle and tried to break it with all their might but they couldn’t. “Sorry father! We are unable to break this package no matter how hard we try!” said all his sons. The old man then opened the rope that bound the bundle of sticks together. He then gave a stick to each of his sons. He said, “Now, my sons, each take a stick and break it!” The single stick broke easily. The sons were puzzled by their father’s behavior and asked, “What does this mean, father?”

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The old man explained, “Just like those sticks, if you stay together as one united in brotherly love, no one will be able to break you. There are many people in this world who will take advantage of you when you are single like this stick. If you stick together, you can face any danger. They all learned a lesson and learned the value of each other.

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