Always Be Patient

Always Be Patient Story

A long time ago, a Hunter lived in the forest. One morning he went hunting, hoping to find a deer.

Soon he saw a deer and tracked it down. The hunter threw it over his shoulder and merrily went home.

Also Read  The Cruel King

On the way, he came across a fat Pig. He threw the Deer to the ground and shot the Pig with an arrow.

The pig gave a frightened grunt and rushed at the Hunter. It hit Hunter hard in the stomach and killed him instantly. Then the wounded Pig also fell dead.

Also Read  The Spaniel And The Mastiff

During the fight, the Serpent passing by was trampled and died.

All this time the Jackal was sitting behind a tree.

When he saw the Hunter, the Deer, the Pig, and the Snake lying dead, he rejoiced and said to himself: “Ah! What a luck! I think I’m going to have a feast, but I’ll only eat a little so I can last longer.”

Also Read  An Old Tiger And A Greedy Traveller

The Jackal then dragged each body into its cave, one by one. He’s been drinking for a long time!

Always Be Patient Story Moral

Be patient and think wisely.