The Root Of The Matter

Contents Of The Story

The Root Of The Matter Story

One day, a hungry porcupine approached the dog to ask for food. The dog took the porcupine to a sugar cane field and asked him to eat his fill. The hungry porcupine chewed up all the plants.

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The next morning, the owner noticed the dog near his garden and asked if he had chewed on the plants: “Sir, the porcupine is to blame,” the dog confirmed.

When asked, Porcupine replied: “Sir, you must judge this when we are both present. Will you wait while I bring the dog here?” The man agreed. The porcupine waited for the coming of winter. Then, on a cold winter morning, accompanied by a dog, he went to the man’s house to solve the case.

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When the man asked who the culprit was, the porcupine pointed to the dog. The poor dog couldn’t say anything because his teeth chattered in the cold. The owner decided that this was an admission of guilt, and beat the dog.