
Contents Of The Story

Sharp Story

A Woodcutter Had Recently Joined Him, And The King Was Genuinely Impressed By His Dedication To His Cause. Out Of Encouragement, He Began To Give All His Best And In The First Month He Cut Down 18 Trees, And The King Was Overjoyed.

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The Next Month, He Made The Same Effort But Was Only Able To Cut 15 Trees. And In The Third Month, He Still Tried His Best But Was Only Able To Cut Down 12 Trees.

The King Visited Him In The Third Month And Spoke About The Decline In His Productivity.

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He Explained That He May Have Lost His Strength Or Become Too Old To Do The Job. The King Asked Him: “When Was The Last Time You Sharpened An Ax?” Surprisingly, He Hasn’t Even Done It Once In The Past Three Months. That Was The Only Reason He Couldn’t Cut More Trees.

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Sharp Story Moral

It’s Good That You Put In A Lot Of Effort And Work Hard To Achieve Your Goals. But You Must Balance Your Life Priorities And Spend Time With Your Family And Save Time On Vacation, Which Will Increase Your Productivity.