Crane And Crab

Contents Of The Story

Crane And Crab Story For Kids, Crane And Crab Story For Kids In English.

Crane And Crab Story

Once upon a time, in a lake, an old crane. He was so old that it was almost impossible for him to hunt for food. One day, standing on a rock, he was crying pitifully, when a crab came to him and said to him: “Uncle, what makes you so unhappy that you shed tears standing all alone by the bank? The intelligent crane understood that this could be its opportunity. “I repent now for my sins of eating fish from this lake all these years,” Crane replied. The crab was surprised. He said, “What makes you think that way?” Crane replied, “I heard that a bleak future is in store for these fish. It is said that there will be no rain for the next two decades and that all our lakes will dry up.

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So all the fish you see today will perish one by one. If I eat fish, soon there won’t be any left. The crab asked the crane for a solution and of course the crane offered to help the fish by carrying them one by one to a bigger lake. As the crane had foreseen, the crab carried the word to all the fish living in the waters. The innocent fish trusted the crane, which carried one every day in its beak. He would go a distance, then smash the unsuspecting fish against the rock, kill it, and eat it. For days, the crane feasted on one fish after another, until it was the crab’s turn. The crab had waited for its chance with all the excitement. He said to the crane: “Uncle, it’s finally my turn to go swimming in the waters of the new lake.

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The crane carried the crab on its back and covered the distance it always traveled. Soon the crab could see piles of fish bones in the distance. He soon realized what the crane had been doing for so long. He asked the crane, “Uncle, why do I see so many bones lying around? The crane replied, “You were stupid to trust me. Now you will die from the death of your fish friends. The crab was quick to respond. He said, “Is it?” and before the Crane could react, he had bitten the Crane’s neck to death. He then brought the neck back to the lake where the other fish were waiting for the crane to come back and pick them up. He said to the fish: “From now on, we learned not to trust anyone so quickly!” The remaining fish rejoiced at the act of the crab, which had saved their lives.

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