
Time Short Story

A Long Time Ago, After Studying Zen For 10 Years And Attaining The Title Of Zen Teacher, On A Rainy Day, Shortly After His Promotion, He Went To Visit His Old Zen Master.

When He Entered The House, The Master Greeted Him With A Question Tell Me You Left Sandals And An Umbrella On The Porch?

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“Yes,” The Teacher Replied.

Told Me That The Master Continued. Did You Leave The Umbrella To The Left Or Right Of The Sandals? The Teacher Realized That He Did Not Know The Answer And That He Did Not Know, But Had Not Yet Reached Full Realization, He Stayed And Studied With The Master For Another Ten Years.

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Time Short Story Moral

It Does Not Matter In Life How Much Time You Spend On Something, What Matters Is How Much Of Yourself You Invest In This Practice, What You Invest In This Work, and What You Invest In This Research.

What You Invest In This Relationship, You Can Always Study Quality, Not Quantity For 10 Years And I Don’t Know Anything, But You Can Study For Two Months And Be An Expert.

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It Depends On How Much Of Yourself You Really And Honestly Put Into Your Work.