The Bird With Two Necks

The Bird With Two Necks Story For Kids, The Bird With Two Necks Story For Kids In English.

The Bird With Two Necks Story

Once upon a time there was a bird by the lake. This bird had two necks but only one stomach. One day, while walking for food, the first chef found the fruit delicious and juicy. He loved to eat it so much. He told his other head that he was eating the most delicious fruit he had ever eaten in his life. Hearing this, the other head also wanted to eat the fruit. The first head laughed and said that the other head didn’t need to taste the fruit since they only had one stomach, the fruit would go into the same stomach. The second head felt bad and was silent.

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He decided to teach the other leader a lesson. The time has passed. One day, the second head found a poisonous fruit. He said first and foremost that since he hadn’t shared his fruit with him the previous time, now he would eat that poisonous fruit just to teach him a lesson. The first head got scared. He begged the second head not to eat the poisonous fruit. If he ate the fruit, they would both die since they had a common stomach. The second head, still very angry with the first head, didn’t listen and ate him. The poison passed through the stomach. Both necks were in agony. So, in this way, the two-necked bird died.

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The Bird With Two Necks Story Moral

You Should Learn To Share Good Things With Others.