Student & The Samurai

Student & The Samurai Story

Once In Ancient Japan, A Young Student Was Living In A Prestigious Temple Serving The Most Famous Zen Master Of His Time, And Therefore, While Studying Zen Techniques, He Was A Very Diligent Student And Always Did His Best To Please And Be His Teacher.

Deserving To Learn From Him, The Master Was Pleased With His Student, And One Day He Decided To Entrust Him With An Important Task. He Forced The Young Monk To Come Up To Him And, Giving Him A Scroll Of The Letter He Had Written, Take This Letter And Carry It.

The Recipient Must Arrive In Kyoto As Soon As Possible, Under No Circumstances. The Letter May Be Lost Or Fall Into The Wrong Hands. It Is Vital Not To Lose Even Once. The Monk Gathered Up The Provisions And The Sword And Headed For The Delivery. An Important Letter To The Teacher. For Some Time He Drove Quickly Until He Reached A River With A Narrow Bridge Over It.

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A Samurai Stood On The Bridge, Vowing To Challenge The First 100 Men Who Tried To Pass. Throw It Into Sword Fighting, He Has Already Killed 99 And He Was Eager To Complete His Task By Killing The Young Monk And You Set Foot On This Bridge, Now You Must Fight Me Prepare To Die He Shouted To The Frightened Monk, Desperately Remembering The Importance Of The Letter.

Which He Carried He Begged The Samurai To Let Him Bring A Letter To His Master And Vowed That He Would Return To Meet His Fate, After That The Samurai Fulfilled This Wish For Him And So He Returned To The Temple, Fully Thinking About The Terrible Situation In Which He Found Himself.

Once In The Temple, He Immediately Went To His Teacher And Told Him What Happened, In The Hope That He Would Help Him, But The Master Only Said That There Is No Way To Defeat The Samurai In Sword Fighting, So You Will Die, I Will Tell You How Best To Meet Your Death When You Reach The Bridge.

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Raise The Sword Above Your Head And Close Your Eyes, Then Stop And Wait When You Feel Something Cold Touching Your Skull. And Death Will Come Again. The Student Left The Temple, This Time Ready To Meet His Death, So When He Reached The Bridge With The Samurai Who Was Waiting For Him, He Did Exactly What His Teacher Told Him.

He Raised His Sword Over His Head Closed His Eyes And Waited For A Cold Touch Of Death. When The Samurai Saw Him Like This, He Suddenly Thought That He Must Have Met A Truly Great Master, Since He Had Never Seen Such A Position With His Eyes Closed And Such Calmness Before A Fight. Threw Down His Sword And Laid Siege To It, O Great Lord, Forgive My Insolence And Let Me Be Your Servant And Learn From You The True Mastery Of The Sword.

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Student & The Samurai Story Moral

In Life, We Sometimes Find Ourselves In Situations From Which There Seems To Be No Way Out, But At Such Moments We Must Remain Cool And Focus On 100% Imagining If A Monk Was Crying And Begging For His Life, A Samurai, Most Likely, Laughed At Him And Cut Him To Pieces If The Student Attacked Him In A Desperate Attempt To Punch.

The Result Would Probably Be The Same, But The Student Reacted So Calmly And Showed Such A High Degree Of Zen That He Was Better In Front Of The Samurai, And Therefore The Samurai Bowed In Front Of The Student, Because He, Like A Samurai, Immediately Noticed That He Met An Excellent Zen Master In The Student, So No Matter How Bad The Situation, No Matter How Hopeless It Seems, Remembers The Story, Student Close Your Eyes And Remains Calm, And The Samurai Will Bow Before You Too.