The Ant And The Grasshopper

The Ant And The Grasshopper Story

One summer day, the cheerful grasshopper danced, sang, and played the violin with all his heart. He saw an ant pass by, with great difficulty dragging wheat for the winter.

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“Come and sing with me instead of working so hard,” said Grasshopper.

“Let’s have some fun together.”

“I need to store food for the winter,” Ant said,

“and I advise you to do the same.”

“Don’t worry about winter, it’s still very far away,” said Grasshopper, laughing at him.

But the ant did not listen and continued its work.

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When winter came, the hungry grasshopper went to the ant’s house and humbly asked for something to eat.

“If you had obeyed my advice in the summer, you would not need it now,” Ant said.

“I’m afraid you will have to go to bed without supper,” and he closed the door.

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The Ant And The Grasshopper Moral

The best way is to prepare for the days of need.