The Singing Donkey

Contents Of The Story

The Singing Donkey Story For Kids, The Singing Donkey Story For Kids In English. The Singing Donkey Story For Kids In Hindi.

The Singing Donkey Story

Formerly in a village, lived a laundress. He had a donkey that helped him carry his loads from house to house. The washerman was not kind to his pet and often fed him poorly. The poor donkey was very sad and weak. One day the laundress had gone to wash his master’s clothes by the river. The donkey stood at the bank waiting for him. Just then, a jackal stalked past him. The jackal saw the sad animal and said, “My dear donkey, why are you sad?” The donkey said, “My master hates me and treats me badly!” He always put a lot of load on me.

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The jackal offered to accompany him as he would take him far away where there would be enough food to eat. Saying this, the jackal cleverly untied the ropes of the donkey and they both ran. After a while, the donkey and the jackal came to another village. There they spotted a fenced plot of cabbage and carrots. Suddenly the donkey started making noise because he was very happy. The donkey said, “My heart breaks in a song!” The jackal told the donkey that he must not make noise or the master of the field would catch them.

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But due to the donkey’s unusual behavior, the jackal felt sorry for him and told him to sing after the jackal left from there. The jackal hid behind the nearby bush. When the donkey could no longer see the jackal, it spun around and screamed loudly. Suddenly, the owner of the house ran out and beat the donkey. When the donkey fainted, his wife said, “Don’t kill him! We can use it to transport our ships to market every day. The husband said, “That’s a good idea!” He then tied a rope around the unconscious donkey’s neck and he became the slave again.

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