Fox Without A Tail

Fox Without A Tail Story For Kids, Fox Without A Tail Story For Kids In English. Fox Without A Tail Story For Kids In Hindi.

Fox Without A Tail Story

One day a fox came out. But suddenly he heard a loud snapping voice and felt a sharp pain on his cock. The fox looked behind him and saw that his tail was caught in a trap. He struggled hard to free himself but the tail was badly caught in the trap. With all the strength he pulled himself out and finally broke free. The fox stopped looking behind him and saw his tail.

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He was still stuck in the trap. It was just left with a small stump on the back. The fox started crying and was afraid to face everyone. At first he was ashamed of his tail. Suddenly he had an idea. He called all the other foxes for a meeting. When they were assembled, the fox offered everyone to cut off their tails. He pointed out how annoying a tail was when being chased by dogs, how annoying it was when they just wanted to sit down and have a friendly chat with someone.

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“I don’t see any good use for a tail,” he said. One of the foxes said, “That’s very good. But I don’t think you would have suggested we cut off the best part of our body if you hadn’t left and lost yours first!” All the other foxes left laughing with their big tails arrogant and fluffy proudly pointing upwards.

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Fox Without A Tail Story Moral

It Is Not Always Easy To Fool Others.