Blind Imitation Is Bad

Blind Imitation Is Bad Story

Once the saint, walking somewhere with his disciples, on the way saw a pond full of fish. He stopped there and started stuffing his mouth with fish. The disciples followed their guru.

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The saint did not say anything to them, and after a while, he moved forward. Then we reached another pond, where there was no fish. The saint stood on its bank and began to pull out the fish he had swallowed.

When the disciples saw this, they were amazed and also tried to regurgitate the fish, but after many attempts, they were only able to pull out a few dead fish.

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To this, the saint said: “Fools, when you did not know how to keep the fish alive in the stomach, then why did you imitate me?”

Blind Imitation Is Bad Moral

It is rightly said that no one should be imitated.