The Ass And His Masters

The Ass And His Masters Story For Kids, The Ass And His Masters Story For Kids In English. The Ass And His Masters Story For Kids In Hindi.

The Ass And His Masters Story

Once upon a time, in a village, a donkey and his master. His master was a herb merchant. A donkey, belonging to the herbalist who gave him too little food and too much work. Every day, the donkey carried the herbs from his house to the store. One day, the donkey made a request to God to be relieved of his current service and provided with another master.

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God, after warning him that he would repent of his request, had him sold to a tile maker. The tiler made the donkey carry the heavy load. Surely afterwards, finding that he had heavier loads to carry and harder work in the brick fields, he asked for another change of master. God telling her that would be the last time he would grant her request. The donkey was finally with its new master, the tanner.

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As the donkey realized he had fallen into worse hands, and knowing his master’s profession, he said, “It would have been better for me either to starve to death by one or to to be overworked by the other of my former masters than to have been bought off by my present. owner who, even after my death, will tan my skin and make me useful to him. The donkey later repented of what he had done and he never remained happy.

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The Ass And His Masters Story Moral

He Who Finds Discontent In One Place Is Not Likely To Find Happiness In Another.