The Cat and The Cock

The Cat and The Cock is a spiritual motivational short story. The Cat and The Cock Short story in English. The Cat and The Cock is the best short story for kids.

The Cat and The Cock Story

Once upon a time, there was a very hungry cat. He kept looking for something tasty. He said, “Oh! I have to eat something. My stomach is making strange noises.”

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And suddenly the Cat saw the Rooster. The rooster was pecking at some grains. The cat thought, “Oh! There is a good rooster. I wish I could eat it!”

But then he thought, “Oh, how can I just eat it? What reasonable excuse should I find for this?

After thinking for a while, Cat had an idea. He approached the Rooster and accused him: “You annoy people. You start crowing at night. You don’t let them sleep.”

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The rooster was a little surprised. He defended himself by saying, “I only scream to help people. I do it for the benefit of men. I crow to get them up to work on time.”

But the cat was very hungry. So he replied in anger, “You have apologized enough to me. But I’m hungry and won’t go without supper.”

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The rooster ran. But the Cat attacked the rooster and ate it.

The Cat and The Cock Story Moral

Extra talk with the enemy does not help.