The Boy Who Cried Wolf Summary

The Boy Who Cried Wolf Summary Story For Kids, The Boy Who Cried Wolf Summary Story For Kids In English.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf Summary Story

Once upon a time there was a young shepherd who took care of the village sheep. He was very dedicated to his work. Every day he used to take the flocks of sheep to the top of the hill and bring them down in the evening. But one day he got really bored. “I feel so bored. All the villagers work together, but here I am alone tending the sheep and I have no one else to talk to. What should I do?” thought the young shepherd boy. Suddenly he had an idea. A bad guy.

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He went to the edge of the hill and started shouting, “Help! Help! There’s a wolf! all our sheep. Help!” Hearing the boy screaming for help, all the villagers came to the top of the hill to save the sheep. But when they got there, all they could see were quiet sheep grazing in the meadow. “You stupid boy! Where is the wolf? Why did you cry for help?” asked one of the villagers humbly. The villagers were very angry and left the place cursing the young shepherd. so much fun”, laughed the young shepherd. The next day, the young shepherd was back to the routine of taking the sheep to pasture. And again, he was completely bored. “Let’s try this prank again!” thought the young herdsman.

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The boy climbed to the top of the hill again and began to shout, “Help! Help! There is a wolf! He is going to eat all our sheep. Once again, all the villagers after hearing the boy screaming ran to save the sheep. But once again he came back after being tricked by the boy. “It’s not right! You would have to pay for it one day. said an old man. With no regrets on his face, the young shepherd returned to his sheep. One day, while he was lying under the tree while his sheep were grazing, he saw sheep running here and there. After looking carefully, he saw a wolf approaching the hearing.

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The boy suddenly ran to the edge of the hill and started screaming for help. “Help! Help! There’s a wolf for real this time. He’s going to eat all our sheep,” the boy cried. This time, the villagers paid no attention to the boy’s cries. “Let him go, this time too he might play a trick on us. The boy kept screaming for help but no one showed up this time. All he could do was stay there and watch his sheep being killed by the wolf. “Oh! I shouldn’t have done that trick to the villagers. Nobody believed me when the wolf arrived. What should I do now? I have lost all my sheep,” cried the young shepherd. No one ever trusted the young shepherd boy.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf Summary Story Moral

Liars Are Not Believe Even When They Tell The Truth.