Bride And The Stars

Bride And The Stars Story

Long Ago, Somewhere In Benares, There Lived A Wealthy Family. Once They Arranged The Wedding Of His Son With A Good And Honest Girl From A Neighboring Village. The Bride Was Very Pretty, And They Were Sure That Their Son Would Not Find A Better Wife.

The Groom’s Family Determined The Date Of The Wedding. The Bride’s Family Agreed To Meet Them In The Village On Their Wedding Day. The Rich Family Had Its Own Special Priest-astrologer.

When The Priest Found Out That They Had Already Chosen A Wedding Day Without Paying Him To Consult With The Stars, He Became Very Angry. He Decided To Take Revenge On Them.

In The Meantime, The Wedding Day Arrived, And On That Day The Astrological Priest Dressed In His Finest Clothes And Urged The Wealthy Family To Gather. He Bowed To Them All, And Then Looked Very Seriously At His Star Chart.

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After A While, Looking At The Map, He Shows Them The Map And Tells Them That This Star Was Too Close To The Horizon, And That The Planet Was In The Center Of An Unfortunate Constellation, And The Moon Was In A Very Dangerous Phase For A Wedding.

The Priest Told Them That Without Asking His Advice, They Had Chosen One Of The Worst Days Of The Year For Their Wedding. This Could Only Lead To A Terrible Marriage. The Frightened Family Completely Forgot About The Wonderful Qualities Of The Bride And Stayed At Home That Day.

Meanwhile, The Bride’s Family Prepared Everything For The Wedding Ceremony. Finally The Hour Of The Wedding Came, But The Groom’s Family Did Not Come, They Waited And Waited For The Future Husband And His Family.

Finally, They Realized That The Groom’s Family Would Not Come. So They Thought, These Townspeople Had Chosen The Date And Time, And Now They Were Not There. It Hurts Us, Why Should We Wait Any Longer? Let Our Daughter Marry A Decent And Hardworking Person From Our Village.

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So, They Quickly Negotiated A New Marriage And Celebrated The Wedding. The Next Day, The Astrological Priest Said That Suddenly The Stars, Planets, And Moons Were In The Perfect Position For A Wedding.

So, A Wealthy Family Came To The Village And Asked For A Wedding, But The Villagers Said: You Chose The Date And Time, And Then Disgraced Us By Not Showing Up.

The Residents Of The City Answered – Our Family Priest Told Us That Yesterday The Stars, Planets, And The Moon Were In A Terrible Situation. It Would Be A Very Bad Day For A Wedding, But He Assured Us That Today Is The Best Day.

So Please Send Us The Bride Immediately. The Village Family Said, “You Have No Honor, You Made The Choice Of The Day More Important Than The Choice Of The Bride.”

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It’s Too Late Now. Our Daughter Married Another, And The Two Families Began To Quarrel A Lot.

The Sage Has Come. Seeing A Quarrel Between The Two Families, He Tried To Resolve The Dispute. The Inhabitants Of The City Told Him That They Respect The Warnings Of Their Astrological Priest.

Because Of The Unfortunate Position Of The Stars And Planets, The Moon Did Not Come To The Wedding That Day.

The Sage Said: Luck Was In The Bride, Not In The Stars. You Fools Followed The Stars And Lost Your Bride. Without Your Stupidity, These Distant Stars Cannot Do Anything.

Bride And The Stars Story Moral

In Life, Your Luck Only Comes From Your Actions Not From The Stars.

If You Just Sit Around And Wait For Something To Happen Nothing Will Ever Happen. Your Luck Comes From The Actions It Is You Who Determines When The Perfect Day Is For Your Life And That Day Is Now.