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The Magician and The Parrot

The Magician and The Parrot Story

The Magician and The Parrot Story

Once upon a time there was a clever magician who worked on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. The magician performed many different tricks each night. Tourists and crowds loved the magician. The magician’s crowd changed every day. So the magician did not invent new tricks instead, he used the same tricks over and over again. On the ship, the captain of the ship had a pet parrot. The parrot sat up and noticed the magician. Now, the parrot was an intelligent bird.

Within days, the parrot figured out how the magician’s tricks worked. Even though the crowd changed every night, the captain’s pet remained the same. The parrot howled loudly and revealed the magician’s tricks. “Listen, it’s not the same hat,” he shouted. Then he croaked, “Why are all the cards in this deck ace of spades?” The magician became extremely annoyed. But he couldn’t do anything against the parrot.

After all, the annoying parrot was the captain’s pet. Things went the same way until one night. One stormy night, the ship sank. The terrible storm had broken the ship. And now the ship was broken into many little pieces, the crew had been separated. Many of the ship’s passengers and crew also drowned. The parrot had flown away and found a stray piece of wood and stood on it.

Fortunately, the magician survived and ended up clinging to the same piece of wood as the parrot. The parrot stared intently at the magician. The magician found this quite strange. They clung to the same piece of wood for weeks. The wizard waited for help to arrive. He was still stared at by the captain’s pet parrot. Then one day, the parrot finally asked the magician, “Okay, I give up. Where is the boat?
