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The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperor’s New Clothes Story

The Emperor’s New Clothes Story

There is an emperor who loves fine clothes. “I want the best clothes,” he says. The Emperor is looking for the best tailor. Everyone hears the news. In the distance, two brothers hear it too. They are not tailors but they are good liars. “We have the best fabric,” they say enthusiastically. The brothers say every day in front of the castle gate. One day, finally, the emperor hears them. He wants to meet the brothers. “I want the best clothes,” said the emperor.

“Our fabric is the best,” says the older brother. “But stupid people can’t see it,” said the younger brother. The emperor said, “Make clothes for me!” He gives them a lot of money. “We deceived the emperor,” say the brothers. They pretend to make clothes. Later, someone goes to see the clothes. “You’re not stupid, so you can see them, can’t you?” “I can’t see the clothes,” he thinks. But he doesn’t want to look silly. So he lies to the emperor. “These are the finest clothes,” said the soldier. “Your Highness! The clothes are finished,” the brothers said to the emperor.

The brothers pretend to wear the clothes. The emperor says, “Wow, those clothes are really nice.” He puts on the invisible clothes. The people in his castle are cheering for him. The emperor wants to show off his new clothes, so he has a parade. All the people in his kingdom come to see him. “Huh? He’s naked!” Everyone is in shock. But no one says anything. One of the boys laughed at the crowd and said, “Ha! Ha! Ha! The emperor is naked. laughing. The foolish emperor runs to his castle.
